It’s often helpful to look at jobs in your area and see what technologies they’re using. Once you learn the basics of CSS, then you can start to work with different frameworks and libraries. These tools were created as a way to help speed up the development process. The amount of time it takes to become a frontend developer can vary depending on several factors, such as your learning pace, previous experience and the amount of time you are able to dedicate to learning. Each of these roles mostly encompass the same front-end development skills but require different levels of expertise in different front-end development skills. It’s better to look at the job description to get an idea about the job requirements.

Front-end developers should also be familiar with version control systems such as Git, which is the most widely used. When coding, you’ll frequently want to trace your coding history and other information. In a professional setting frontend courses or standard company, there is usually a UI/UX designer(s) who designs how the interface will look and what they want the user’s experience to be. You can test candidates’ technical skills by giving them a short coding test.

Most Common Skills for Front End Developer

CSS is responsible for the style of your web page including colors, layouts, and animations. Front end developers also have to make sure the website looks good on all devices (phones, tablets, and computer screens). In this article, I will explain what Front End Development is, what skills you need to become a Front End Developer, and tips for landing a job. If you are working remotely now, know how to schedule and lead virtual team meetings and communicate the development work you are planning to do. If you are a front-end developer, you need to communicate with your team. They raise the bar for product excellence – speed, operational efficiency, security, reliability – and ensure that defects do not get sent down the line.

Below, we’ll cover some of the more common additional skills these professionals rely on in their work. If you’re interested in becoming a front-end developer, the Front-End Engineer Career Path is designed to prepare you with everything you need to get an entry-level job in front-end development. We spoke with John Pham, a front-end developer at Smartsheet and formerly at Microsoft, to find out more about his day to day and what he works on in his front-end role.

What Are the Responsibilities of a Frontend Developer?

As a frontend developer, you’ll often work on websites that use a CMS. Every frontend developer needs to be skilled with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Those three languages are the foundation of almost everything you’ll do. Full-stack developers are generalists who do both frontend and backend development. These frameworks and libraries allow you to save time and do more with less code.

What does a frontend developer do

Debugging is the act of identifying those errors (“bugs”) and fixing them. Accessibility is the practice of making sure that everyone can easily use your web sites. You do not want to create web sites that cannot be used by those with assistive technologies like screen readers.

What is Frontend Development?

Due to the divide mentioned above and the movement towards thick/fat applications in the client, the front-end skillset spectrum is currently being stretch by what is known as a full-stack developer. It is this author’s opinion that this jack of all development trades has been seen before in the form of a webmaster and back-end framework developers. I believe this will happen because the mile wide and inch deep developer is ultimately inept at properly caring for the UI and user experience. Don’t get me wrong, a one in a million, unicorn, rock star developer does exist that can do it all and do it well. But modeling a profession on such an individual is impractical and dangerous. As you can see, Front-end developers not only develop for web browsers but also for several other run time scenarios beyond web browsers.

  • Here, Rachelle Palmer, a Lead Product Manager at MongoDB, shares her insights into product management, software development, MongoDB’s utility, and more.
  • Learning Git also allows you to collaborate with others on a team and make changes to the same code base from different locations.
  • If someone wanted to build a website, they might hire a front-end developer to create the site’s layout.
  • What’s important is to practice as much you can while you are learning i.e. by building as many projects as you can.
  • It’s not intuitive, but many online courses and resources are available.
  • If you want to learn JavaScript, look into freeCodeCamp’s JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures certification.

A couple of popular frameworks to be familiar with are Angular.js and Vue.js. When you use a library, you’re in charge of the flow of the application. There are over 83 libraries in existence, each of which has a specific purpose. For example, Chart.js is a library that allows you to create charts and graphs for your website easily.

What Does a Front-End Developer Do?

You can check out freeCodeCamp’s frontend libraries development certification course to learn more. Today, there are numerous JavaScript libraries available, all of which aim to make web application development easier. These are pre-written JavaScript scripts that make developing JavaScript-based applications easier.

This will help you grow your skills as a front-end developer, and you can always stay in the loop by joining and interacting with active developer communities. There are many communities out there, such as the freeCodeCamp developer community and all of the other local communities that surround everyone of us including you. As new technologies, tools, syntax, and approaches are introduced, it is always best to stay up to date with new technology trends and avoid falling behind. It is important to understand that you do not need to know everything before working as a front-end developer, but the fundamentals, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, are always essential.

45% of consumers will abandon any piece of content displaying poorly on the device they are using. These days, visitors to a website use a wide variety of browsers and devices. RESTful APIs are a type of API that conforms to the constraints of the REST (Representational State Transfer) architectural style and allows for connection to RESTful web services. For example, a developer might want to integrate weather data into their website. They could use an API that reaches out to a weather service and gets the data. An API (Application Programming Interface) allows an application or service to access a resource within another application or service.

What does a frontend developer do

The national average in the U.S for a mid-level front-end developer is somewhere between $65k and 100k. Webviews are used by a native OS, in a native application, to run web pages. Think of a webview like an iframe or a single tab from a web browser that is embedded in a native application running on a device (e.g., iOS, android, windows).

How does a front-end developer demonstrate ownership when building a product?

Front-end developers build everything included in a website’s front end, or client side, which is the side of a website that users directly interact with. They construct the user interface and visual elements of websites and web applications, including elements like buttons, images and menus. If you’re ready to begin your journey towards becoming a front-end developer, our Front-End Engineer Career Path is the path for you. This Path will take you through everything you need to know, from how to build and deploy static web pages to design skills to make your webpages beautiful and usable. You’ll also learn interview techniques and build your portfolio so you can start applying for front-end development jobs.

What does a frontend developer do